Woodiewagon.com - The Temple of Jeffrey Woods

Welcome to my personal website!
My name is Jeff Woods and I am a student at Langara College in Vancouver, British Columbia.
I'm enrolled in the Dreamweaver 1 - Website Construction course taught by Steven Pettigrew as part of Langara's Continuing Education Program. This website is the product of 18 hours of instruction over the last 6 Monday evenings and as my course assignment, it counts for 50% of my entire grade. Watch this space - course results will be posted asap!


Shameless self-promoter or blatant egoist? You be the judge.
Woodiewagon.ca is where I call home on the Internet and this website is about me.
Regardless of your first impression you should at least have a look around. Thanks for taking the time.

About Jeffrey Woods - The Craftsman - The Artist - The Writer - The Cubist - Contact Info